Peaceful Power and the Return of LightB. Kim Barnes, Barnes & Conti CEO “We have
it in our power to begin the world over again.” In recent weeks and months, we have been reminded over and over of the dark side of power—power over others. At Barnes & Conti, we think of power as a set of resources that supports your ability to influence others. Knowledge, relationship, control of resources, position, confidence, moral authority—all are legitimate sources of power—but they are best used as power to—not power over. Sometimes, we struggle with this. The direct use of power can be effective, from an ethical perspective, primarily in urgent, critical or emergency situations. When you have the knowledge and confidence to make a risky decision, when you have the trusting relationship that breaks a stalemate, when you have the moral authority to act in high-stakes situations, you are using direct power in a responsible way. Since we are in the season of the return of light and hope, I wish you not only happiness and joy, but also gifts of peaceful power—the power of kindness, collaboration, generosity, courage, and creativity. Using these power resources along with the others, we can hope to make our world a better place. 2017 Training Reflections and ObservationsNelson Soken, Ph.D., Chief Innovation Strategist As 2017 draws to a close, I would like to share some thoughts on what I have observed conducting Strategic Thinking, Managing Innovation, and Design Thinking sessions in the US, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. Some common contextual themes across client organizations have emerged. Participants seem to be more and more distracted with their day-to-day activities; they appear overwhelmed by the amount of information and communication coming their way and feel constrained by resources; they are spread thin. To keep up, they are task-driven and often times, maintaining a broader line of sight is difficult. They report a lack of clear alignment, focused attention and sometimes support for development from their management, as they too are overwhelmed in executing their responsibilities. Here are some of my observations of what has proven helpful in no particular order:
2017 has been personally enriching and exciting because of the talented clients I have had the opportunity to work with! Here’s to an even more exciting 2018 as we all continue to move forward on our individual and organizational learning journeys. Announcing Public Programs for 2018In 2018, we’re offering five of our most popular programs on an open to the public basis. All programs will be facilitated in our Berkeley, California office. The cost for each is $795 per participant. Internal consultants, please note that you can take both Exercising Influence and Consulting on the Inside on successive days in March and July to learn to be a more influential internal consultant. Exercising InfluenceMarch 8, 2018 Consulting on the InsideMarch 9, 2018 Strategic ThinkingMay 17, 2018 Managing InnovationJune 7, 2018 Intelligent Risk-TakingOctober 4, 2018 Enroll on our websiteBarnes & Conti’s Collaboration with Design Management Institute (DMI)Earlier this month, Barnes & Conti began what we think will be an exciting collaboration with DMI. Our first joint venture was the DMI Symposium in Manhattan Beach, California. The theme of the symposium was Design: Exercising Influence. Other co-sponsors included BCG Digital Ventures and Pip Tompkin Design. Highlights from the symposium included having top innovators and leaders in design discuss design thinking, strategic design, sustainable design, strategic leadership in design and innovation, managing roadblocks to innovation, and more. Participants from a variety of companies and consultancies were able to network with one another, garner insights, and share challenges and best practices. Our own Kim Barnes moderated a panel discussion on leadership and influence that covered influence challenges, failures, successes along with influence tips and helpful hints. Nelson Soken, Barnes & Conti’s Chief Innovation Strategist, delivered a full-day Strategic Thinking workshop with an emphasis on how strategic thinking fits with design thinking. Barnes & Conti next joint venture with DMI will be in May 2018 at ATD 2018 in San Diego. Carole Bilson (President, DMI) and Nelson Soken (Chief Innovation Strategist) will co-present Design Thinking Case Study: How the Design Management Institute and Barnes and Conti are educating corporate leaders in innovation and strategic problem-solving. Come join us! Facilitating Forward: Guiding Others Towards Results—New Handbook Coming SoonAs a number of people have shown interest, Kim Barnes plans to create a stand-alone handbook on facilitation based on Barnes & Conti’s Facilitating Forward workshop content. This content is based on many years of working with groups, large and small, in many industries, for many purposes. The book will contain key concepts on group process, graphic models, tools, techniques, exercises, templates, and suggestions for “troubleshooting.” Please feel free to share any ideas that would be helpful for us to include. New Applications of Popular ProgramsWe have recently customized two programs for clients to work with specific applications which we think may have broader appeal: Leading Remote Teams through Influence and The Influential Innovator. Please contact Lauren Powers if you want to discuss how these programs might be of help to your organization. Leading Remote Teams through InfluenceMore and more work is done in cross-functional, remote teams. This program introduces a model of influence behavior that enables participants to achieve results while building relationships in a matrixed and virtual team environment. Participants increase awareness of how they currently use influence behaviors as a team leader/member and learn how to approach working in a matrixed environment with multiple stakeholders. They learn key factors for co-located and/or virtual teams and model skills that result in world-class team performance culminating in an action plan to improve their team’s performance. The Influential InnovatorA good idea does not necessarily sell itself. To be successful innovators, people need to influence others to work with them to improve or expand their idea, offer input on concept (i.e. prototype), provide resources, gain sponsorship, secure investment, and help navigate the political organization to get the best hearing for their idea. In this program participants learn how to move an idea toward commitment and investment and apply the influence framework to real world influence situations that occur during the innovation journey. Using specific influence tools, they develop an approach (pitch, large group presentation or one-on-one meeting) that takes into account key stakeholder and organizational factors. Top 10 Personal Realizations for 2017
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Firestorm and Hurricane ReliefPlease help the relief effort. Photo © Santa Barbara County Fire Department Visit our relief info page
Book Corner 2017In our workshops, we are often asked, “What books should I read if I don’t have a lot of time?” Nelson Soken, our Chief Innovation Strategist, has two picks for 2017: The Blue Ocean Shift by W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne and Stretch by Scott Sonenshein. Both books provide a good strategic framework to look at how your organization can deliver value while working within constraints and available resources. The Blue Ocean ShiftThe Blue Ocean Shift describes a strategic framework with many real-world case studies whereby organizations can create differentiation at a lower cost through value innovation. The goal is to create blue oceans by accessing untapped markets and creating demand rather than fighting it out with competitors in red oceans where profits and growth are tough to come by due to commoditization and cut-throat competition (add features and reduce price). StretchStretch, on the other hand, describes two organizational and individual mindsets: The Chaser mindset operates with the assumption that to succeed, you need to obtain more resources (people, power, resources). The Stretcher mindset focuses on succeeding with the resources that are already available. Stretchers ask the question: “What else can I do with what I have and how can I reach my goals with what I have?” So, if you are interested in developing a plan of attack for creating value with available resources and looking for opportunities to pursue untapped markets, these two books will provide good insights on how to develop a strategy and are well worth your time reading. Recipe: Fuji Apple Egg Rolls
Eric Beckman, Barnes & Conti President and noted chef, contributed this recipe for our Thanksgiving newsletter recipe extravaganza. The recipe was so good, we held it back for December. We hope you enjoy it! Ingredients:
Yield: 12-14 egg rolls You can also pan fry and then freeze to use at a later time. Reheat at 350 degrees on a sheet tray for 5-6 minutes or until crisp and golden brown. Serve with Ginger Mascarpone Cream. Ginger Mascarpone CreamIngredients:
Did you miss our virtual feast last month?More 2017 Holiday Recipes are available on our website. |
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