was good to see many of you at the recent ATD (Association for
Talent Development) international conference in Orlando. It’s
always great to reconnect with our friends and meet new ones as
well. Many people stopped by our booth to try one of our self-assessments — Influence
Behavior Survey or Risk-Taking Profile — and gathered some
useful insights.
We also conducted preliminary research into interpersonal and organizational challenges and here’s what we found. From a list of options that included facilitating innovation and getting commitment versus compliance, the majority responded that the top challenges in their organizations were:
We have resources on our website that delve into these topics including a job aid which you can download to a tablet or mobile device.
If we can help you with any of these or other challenges, please let us know by contacting:
Lauren Powers, SVP of Business Development, East Coast, Southeastern, and Midwestern Regions 215.232.1611
David Heneghan, Senior Account Manager, Western Region 510.644.0911 x107
Eric Beckman, President, International Regions 510.644.0911 x109
pleased to announce the release of the 3rd edition of Kim Barnes’ best-selling
book, Exercising Influence.
Inspired by our most popular workshop, this vital resource offers
a useful framework for making positive change and creating relationships
that matter. It’s written for anyone who wants to achieve
better outcomes at work, at home, or in the world at large.
Revised and expanded, this latest edition includes a wealth of updated examples and fresh resources. Kim also added new chapters on influencing through social media, managing a team, and understanding influence in light of the latest research in neuroscience and behavioral economics.
No matter your job, role, rank, or function, if you want to get things done you need to know how to influence up, down, across, and outside the organization.
While the trainer may have a great deal of knowledge about a particular topic, a great facilitator will carefully design learning experiences to take the focus off the trainer and allow for the content to flow naturally from the participants.
A simple design for a learning experience is not always simple
to create. A lazy facilitator will throw content on the screen
and rely on the progression of slides to lead him/her through
content, allowing the participant to be a passive—and often
sleepy—learner. A more elegant format draws on a cadre of facilitation
tools to pull the knowledge from the room. Flipcharts, markers,
and sticky notes are the best friends of an effective facilitator.
Meeting and planning tools such as affinity diagrams, silent
meetings, nominal group technique, brainstorming, and multi-voting
are incorporated to keep participants active and engaged. Various
processes for grouping participants for practice, feedback, and
on-the-spot peer coaching are key parts of an agenda. In fact,
an expertly designed program does not feel like “training” at
all when participants walk away with real work accomplishments.
What skills are required for this type of trainer/facilitator? Successful facilitators of learning must be great listeners. They must be able to pull the salient points on any topic from the room. They must also be able to synthesize the comments into a bigger body of knowledge. These facilitators have high self-esteem, but low egos. They’re willing to give credit to participants for sharing their expertise and thank them for their contributions to the learning of the group. They take a back seat and allow the participants’ knowledge to shine. They also need to be skillful with a variety of meeting and planning tools, both in the design of the program and in the delivery—recognizing when an appropriate tool or process may need to be figuratively pulled from their back pockets.
With few exceptions, slides are a distraction, a crutch and not an aid to learning. And an effective facilitator relies not on jokes, scripts and platitudes but functions at a much higher level of cognitive ability—helping learners synthesize all that is occurring in the learning environment and apply it to their own organizations and situations.
We’re happy to report that 2015 is going strong! We’ve seen lots of opportunities with new and existing clients. We continue to have strong presence with pharmaceutical, biotech, and manufacturing companies globally, and we’re working on some very interesting projects in healthcare.
Higher education has become a significant market for us. For example, Exercising Influence is being offered state-wide in one of the largest university systems in the country. We’ve certified over 20 internal trainers, and we’re developing an e-learning module to support their needs.
We’re working in the government sector and we continue to deliver value to clients in financial services, insurance, technology, utilities, non-profit, and telecommunications. Most in demand are Exercising Influence, Intelligent Risk-Taking, Strategic Thinking and Managing Innovation.
Thank you for trusting us to partner with you and we hope that 2015 continues to be productive for all of us.
We’re very excited to continue to work globally supporting the needs of multi-national clients. Just recently, we implemented Exercising Influence at a leading international fragrance and flavor company. We’re delivering 2-day workshops in the US and throughout Latin America using our talented worldwide network of local language trainers and translated materials aligning our content with the local culture.
We’re delighted to support our international partner, Equoranda, and help their pharmaceutical client extend innovation throughout the enterprise. With each global implementation, we learn how to continually adapt our programs to more fully meet client needs.
Nelson Soken, one of our Executive Associates, recently joined
Barnes & Conti’s Board of Directors. He has extensive
corporate experience having held leadership positions at the
Mayo Clinic, Medtronic, Baxter Healthcare, and Honeywell and
has consulted to many client companies. Nelson inspires others
to think differently and make a difference. We’re excited
to add his tremendous insight and expertise to our Board.
Nelson is also a recognized thought leader on innovation and will be speaking at the 40th Anniversary Design Leadership Conference. Mark your calendars for September 27-29.
Pete is a man of many talents. For two decades, he has coached emerging leaders and delivered workshops for top companies around the world—from Microsoft to PayPal to eBay—and has led groups as small as five and spoken to crowds as large as two thousand. Part coach, part therapist, part professional speaker, it’s no wonder clients describe him as a “rock star combination.”
With nearly three decades of experience in training, Tawfiq is a master of his craft. A skilled and dynamic professional, Tawfiq earned his MBA at the University of Liverpool and has delivered training workshops in countries as diverse as Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, and the United States.
Jo is a five-star trainer—authentic, full of verve and a pro at holding the room. Throughout the many years she has spent in the field, Jo has led professional development and technical training at Microsoft Advertising, taught at Long Island University, and published a book, Move the Message: Your Guide to Making a Difference and Changing the World, which was used in Columbia University’s Graduate School course, “Human Rights Advocacy.”
Marian has extensive consulting experience and brings to the table the impressive if unlikely combination of both hard and soft skills. Educated in biology and computer science, certified in coaching and assessing emotional IQ, she has proven an invaluable resource in many different consulting projects. Marian is also active in the Agile, Project Management, and Technology Incubator communities in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Ana is a personable and professional organizational psychologist with a talent for building relationships. She divides her time between Santiago, Chile, where she works as expert consultant to large copper mining companies, and the prestigious University of Pennsylvania, where she conducts research on training and consulting and co-teaches on organizational dynamics.
With a PhD in the life sciences and an MBA in business, Meg is well equipped to help clients in the medical field. Meg is also the CEO of ReQuisite Biomedical, which means she’s a busy woman with an exceptional pedigree.
(Bio coming soon.)
(Bio coming soon.)
Consulting on the Inside
Exercising Influence
Kim Barnes was feeling a little creative one day and came up with this poem. We think it does a great job summing up our Influence Behavior model. What do you think?
If you’re looking for ideas or are getting up to speed
I’ll give you a suggestion or I’ll TELL you what I need.
If I’m hoping to persuade you my proposal is the thing
I can SELL you on its merits and the value it can bring.
If you think that what I’m looking for is really rather strange
Let’s NEGOTIATE to make it clear that it’s a fair exchange.
I’ll ENLIST you with a vision of what I hope to see
And show you why I hope that you’ll be going there with me.
Perhaps I should INQUIRE to understand your view
Now, what in my proposal seems good or bad to you?
I’ll LISTEN to your issues, paying very close attention
And anywhere that we agree, I’ll paraphrase and mention.
To show you that we’re quite in sync, I’ll probably ATTUNE
To build up trust and ease the way to reach agreement soon.
And once I know that we are close and nearly in the zone,
I’ll FACILITATE your taking steps to get there on your own.
Congratulations and kudos to Genentech and Kaiser Permanente—two clients who made Chief Learning Officer’s 2015 Learning Elite!
from Lauren Powers, SVP of Business Development
This recipe was created and prepared by special request from my niece Ami Jayne, when she visited the beach over the summer. And, we always think of Jim, my brother-in-law and his late wife, Rita, who introduced us to the best and freshest mussels at their summer place in Prince Edward Island.
Can be served as a main dish over rice or as an appetizer.
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