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Ditch Perfection! Seek Opportunities! Deliver Value!(excerpt)Nelson Soken, Ph.D, Chief Innovation Strategist ![]() We all have been thrust into circumstances that have blown up many of our well-conceived plans that we have had for the last few months, weeks, days, hours, and perhaps even minutes! Now what? The challenge we face is balancing and trading off a “good enough solution” that delivers value quickly versus planning and executing on perfection, but delivering later and perhaps missing key opportunities. Maybe it’s time to innovate, execute, and pivot even if it is messy; “short-circuit” the process and experiment while maintaining discipline by utilizing “data and hypothesis-driven” decisions. As the beloved Miss Frizzle from the 1990’s children’s educational program The Magic School Bus, declared in each episode: “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!” Time is of the essence as we work through these difficult, stressful, and uncharted waters. With the current challenges, how can we get things done, and support and build our talent base to tackle the challenges not just now, but into the future beyond these difficult times? On CNBC and others, I’ve been hearing various business leaders discuss how they are navigating the tremendous uncertainty of when the pandemic will subside and when economic activity can slowly restart. Based on our Strategic Thinking workshop, we recommend organizations consider the following approach as they move forward: The article continues on our website Exercising Influence: A Virtual Learning Journey offered as a Public ProgramNews flash: Barnes & Conti is offering Exercising Influence: A Virtual Learning Journey as a public enrollment series! The two-part intensive webinar will be held on May 7 (session one) and May 14 (session two), both at 10:00 am - 12:30 pm, PDT.
If you or others have any professional development needs or you are interested in checking this session out for your organization, this is an excellent opportunity. Please contacts Lauren Powers to discuss or register using the link below. From the Barnes & Conti Virtual Food Truck:
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