About Barnes & Conti
Barnes & Conti’s Facilitators
Our facilitators:
- Kim Barnes
- Eric Beckman
- Gregg Brown
- Gabriela Camacho
- Luke Chen
- Pascale Demont
- Francoise Descleves
- Wendi Eldh
- Michael Gold
- Rebecca Hendricks
- Bette Krakau
- Judy Knight
- Martha Legare
- Lynne Lombardo
- Vicki Nicholson
- Kevin Nourse
- Joanna Russo
- Marilú Aguilar Salamanca
- Pete Small
- Nelson Soken
- Nermin Soyalp
- Keigo Takada
- Hywel Thomas
- Claudio Toyama
- Darryl Wahlstrom
- Mary Walter

We are proud of our talented, experienced, engaging, and client-focused facilitators. As a group, located throughout the world, they each have unique styles and backgrounds, and deep industry experience in a wide variety of sectors.
Choosing the right faciltator involves a number of factors, with cultural fit being the most important. Contact us to discuss faciltators for your project... We will work with you to find the right faciltator for your organization.
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