Exercising Influence
Building Relationships and Getting Results
Brief Influence Behavior Self-Assessment Survey
This survey is taken from Exercising Influence™, our popular influence training program.
This brief Exercising Influence survey is meant to be used for marketing purposes internally (for our customers) and externally (for our affiliates). It may be embedded in programs delivered by Barnes & Conti or those affiliates. The information in the survey can best be interpreted and understood by experiencing one of our Exercising Influence live classes or webinars, where you will be able to explore a longer, more precise 360 degree version of the survey as well as to learn and practice the skills it references. Does the survey pique your curiosity? If so, please contact us if you are interested in signing up for a program, becoming an affiliate, or being certified to teach the program. We welcome your interest and are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Review each statement in the survey and decide if you would like to use that behavior more often, less often or differently to improve your effectiveness. Please remember that there are no right or wrong answers.
Survey Statements
Key to the Responses
Do More: I would like to do this more often.
Do Less: I would like to do this less often.
Do Differently: I do this differently from the way I would prefer
About Right: I do this about as often as I would like.
Note: If a statement is not applicable, you may check “About Right.”